New Teams

Welcome to FIRST Tech Challenge! Resources have been organized by type to help your team stay organized and be successful throughout the season. Get started by exploring our robot building resources, control system and the game. You may also find the Coach’s Playbook, a weekly schedule of activities, helpful to organize the whole team under Team Management. Just click on the panel for the resource you want to explore!


Programming Resources

Look for programming resources here.

Robot Building and Control

Look for programming and control system resources here.

Game Manual Links

Be sure you’re following all of the rules of the competition! Game Manuals and Q&A are essential documents.

Team Management

Links to team management resources.

CAD Resources

Look for resources for Computer-Aided Design software and tutorials.

Event Info

Links to event management, events and event results.


Know the awards criteria before the event.

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked team FAQs