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Optimizing Videos for increased TensorFlow Model Performance

Before diving into creating your first videos for TensorFlow training, it’s important to cover a bunch of topics under the header of, “Things you should really know about TensorFlow for ftc-ml and were hopefully probably about to ask anyway”. Here they are, in an order that hopefully makes some sense. Please read this in its entirety:

  1. AI and Machine learning are incredibly resource-hungry operations.

    • For high-end performance, machine learning applications can run on special Google-designed Artificial Intelligence (AI) accelerator hardware chips known as Tensor Processing Units (TPU). These advanced chips are specialized for the high-volume low-precision computations required for AI processing, and are Google proprietary. TPUs generally consume large amounts of power when running in the Google datacenters. A TPU designed to consume far less power, known as the Pixel Neural Core, was introduced in the Pixel 4 smartphone in 2019 for machine learning applications.

    • For far less performance, machine learning applications can run on traditional Graphical Processing Units (GPU) typically found on graphics cards or embedded systems. Most modern cell phones contain GPUs, such as the Qualcomm Adreno 308 GPU found on the Moto E5 phone. However, performance is relative – the performance of GPUs found in cell phones is dwarfed by GPUs found in graphics cards or desktop systems.

    • For incredibly unreasonably low performance, machine learning applications can run on a general Central Processing Unit (CPU). Let’s say no more about this and move along.

  2. Building a TensorFlow model from scratch can take months of TPU time to train and refine the model properly. However, pre-trained models can be used as starting points to relatively quickly add novel (new) datasets. Therefore, Google provids a TensorFlow Detection Model Zoo that contains pre-trained models using the COCO 2017 dataset composed of over 120,000 images of common everyday objects classified into 81 different labels. The ftc-ml tool uses the SSD MobileNet v2 320x320 model as its default starter model from this Zoo – the TensorFlow models released in the 7.0 SDK are based on this model too. Unfortunately due to the way models are trained within ftc-ml, those everyday object labels are no longer accessible once you train for additional objects. However, by using those stock Zoo models (instead of training to add your own objects) and adding the proper labels to your Op Mode, your Op Mode could recognize 81 categories of objects without training a new model. If you have the ability to customize objects, images can be added to those objects that the Zoo models recognize – like a picture of a cat, a picture of a teddy bear, or even a stop sign (these are 3 categories of objects that can be recognized using the zoo models once the appropriate labels are added to your Op Mode code).

    Teams can download the TensorFlow Lite 2.x Model Zoo models <> for use.

  3. The performance of a TensorFlow model using Object Detection, even on TPU hardware, is completely dependent upon the core resolution of the model it’s working with. The larger the core resolution, the more processing the model must perform. As an optimization, the core models in the TensorFlow Detection Model Zoo are trained on square (meaning equal width and height) resolutions of varying sizes. For TensorFlow models designed for Mobile applications, the core resolution is intentionally kept small. A 640x640 core model requires at least 4x the processing effort of a 320x320 core model; not all mobile devices can keep up with even 1-2 frames per second (fps) processing rates even on a 320x320 model!

  4. Modern webcams have very high resolutions. The minimum resolution for an “acceptable” modern webcam is 720p. When scaling 720p, 1080p, or higher resolution images to a core model resolution of 320x320, fine details in the image are lost. The 16:9 aspect ratio source image is squeezed to a 1:1 aspect ratio image, making wide objects narrow (this is part of the reason why a webcam trained in a landscape orientation has poorer detection in portrait orientation). Small yellow objects in the source image suddenly turn into tiny indistinguishable blocky yellow blobs. The effects of the scaling process can be brutal.

  5. To combat the effects of scaling, varying the “pose” of an object (orientation, angle, and distance from the camera) is incredibly important.

    • It is vital that the size of the object in the image be as large as possible when the camera is at maximum detection distance from the object. The larger the object is in the image, the more likely that scaling effects will have a lessened impact on the scaled image.

    • TensorFlow models are able to be more generically trained (that’s a good thing) when the objects are different sizes in different images. For example, including poses with the object at different distances from the camera is ideal. Building a labeled dataset with the object at different sizes helps the model recognize the objects better when they are different sizes.

    • If the object should still be recognized when it is rotated in any way, rotational variations are also important.

    • I hope you’ve realize this by now, but TensorFlow models follow the garbage-in garbage-out concept in model training. The more variations in size, rotation, angle, and orientation you can supply of the target object the more the model is going to be able to recognize/predict that target object.

  6. TensorFlow Object Detection is not the best at recognizing geometries. Yes, this might run contrary to conventional wisdom in human object detection. Because a machine learning model is usually trained to be as general as possible, yellow circles and yellow octogons (depending on size) could be difficult to differentiate from each other (and from a generic yellow blob) depending on how the model is trained. Therefore, don’t expect TensorFlow to be really good at recognizing subtle differences in geometry.

  7. Even though TensorFlow isn’t the best at recognizing geometries, it’s incredibly good at recognizing textures. No, probably not the kinds of textures you’re thinking about – we’re talking visual textures like zebra stripes, giraffe spots, neon colors, and so on. Colored patterns are TensorFlow’s strength. Careful Team Shipping Element design beforehand may yield great benefits later.

  8. When creating videos for TensorFlow training, be very careful about the backgrounds being used. Machine Learning involves passing data and answers to a model, and letting the model determine the rules for detecting objects. If the background of an object is always consistent – let’s say the object is a duck on dark gray tiles – the model may include in its rules that the object must always be on a dark gray background, and will not recognize the duck on light gray tiles. In order to create a more generic model, the object would need to be found on multiple different backgrounds. “Negative Frames”, or frames that have no labels in them and are just of the background, can be used to help the model intentionally recognize “what is in the background” and that those elements of the background should be ignored; TensorFlow does this by adding the background patterns to an internal “background” label that is never shown to the user. It’s not typically necessary to include “Negative Frames”, however, unless there is content in the background that is only seen when the object is not present, and you feel it’s advantageous to ignore that content. TensorFlow and modern Machine Learning algorithms isolate portions of each frame that do not include bounding boxes and add those portions of the image to the “background” label.

  9. Related to backgrounds, lighting effects can cause issues with Object Detection. If the model is only trained with frames with objects that are extremely well lit, the model may not be very good when the objects are not so well lit. It’s important to get videos/frames of different lighting conditions if it’s possible that the lighting conditions could differ between training and competition venues. One classical urban legend about tank detection in the early 1990’s gives a pretty good warning about dataset bias.

  10. If multiple similar-looking objects could possibly be in a frame and you only want the model to ever recognize one of them (for example you could have Yellow Blocks and Yellow Ducks in the same frame, but you ONLY want the model to detect Ducks) it is advised that yellow blocks be present but unlabeled in multiple frames. This allows the background detector to pick up the yellow blocks as background items, and be trained (covertly) to not recognize blocks as ducks by accident. There is no need to label objects in a model unless you want TensorFlow to specifically learn them.

  11. Play like you train, and train like you play. This is just a poor way of saying, “try your best to video how your robot will see the objects in competition, and try your best in competition to make sure that your robot only sees the objects like you trained the model”. This has been said in different ways multiple times, but it needs to be repeated. The most likely reason a model will have poor performance in competition is because something has changed – whether that be the lighting is different, more/different objects are in the background, the pose of the objects are too different from those during training, and so on.

  12. This might not need to be said, but avoid “floppy” or “non-rigid” objects. For example fabric that can be folded or bunched up, flexible objects with joints that can move, or structures that can easily bend. Models still might be able to differentiate some of the possible variations, but the likelihood that it doesn’t when it matters is too great.